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六年级下册英语语法知识点(复习资料)Unit 1 How tall are you 重点句型1.询问身高及回答How tall + be +主语? 例子:How tall is he 主语+be动词+数字+metre(s). He is 1.63 metres.2.询问体重及回答How heavy +be动词+主语? 例子:How heavy are you 主语+be动词+数字+kilogram (s). You are 50 kilograms.3.询问尺寸、码数及回答What size +be动词+主语(物体)?What size is your hat What size are your shoes 答句: 物体+be动词+size +数字. My hat is size 6.My shoes are size 7.主语+wear+ size +数字. She wears size 6.Size +数字. Size 9.4.How 引导的问句How old How much How manyHow long How far How bigHow are you 重点语法both和all的区别both表示两者都 both of+宾格 both of them 他们两个all 表示全都(三者或者三者以上) all of them 他们都看到than,想到比较级,想到形容词后加er;看到the,想到最高级,想到形容词后加est。形容词比较级和最高级变化规则(可看乐学p7 )变化规则 原级 比较级 最高级1.在形容词后加er或est strong stronger strongest2.以不发音e结尾的形容词,直接加r/st nice late nicer later nicest latest3.以y结尾的形容词,以辅音+y,去y 为i再加er或est heavy angry funny heavier angrier funnier heaviest angriest funniest4.重读闭音节的形容词,辅元辅结构,双写后面的辅音字母,再加er或est big thin bigger thinner biggest thinnest5.多音节的形容词,在形容词前加more或most interesting more interesting most interesting变得越来越…grow/get/become+形容词比较级形容词比较级+and+形容词比较级(两个形容词必须同级)taller and taller越来越高get/become older 变得越来越年长4.比较的事物要同类,前后物体一样,后面的名词省略,用名词性物主代词代替。例子: My feet are bigger than yours.(yours等于your feet)主格 I you he she it we they Amy形容词性物主代词 my your his her its our their Amy’s名词性物主代词 mine yours his hers its ours theirs Amy’s有“名”则形,无“名”则名:后面有名词,就选择形容词性物主代词;后面没有名词,就选择名词性物主代词。例子: This is my pen.This pen is mine.5两者之间的比较I am taller than him. 我比他高。She is older than me. 她比我年长。6.怎么知道是否是最高级?从范围入手:in +范围,in our class/ team/school/group…超过两人的比较例子: Zhang Peng is the tallest in our team.Unit 2 Last weekend、Unit 3 Where did you go重点句型询问他人的假期过得怎么样及回答How was your weekend/holiday… It was good/bad/nice/busy… .询问别人过去时间做了什么?及回答What did +主语+do+过去时间?例子:What did he do last night 回答:主语+动词过去式.He stayed at home and watched TV.询问别人 去了哪里?什么时候去的?和谁一起去的?怎么去的?Where did you go 主语+went to +地点.We went to Shanghai.When did you go there 回答去的时间。They went there last weekend.Who did you go with 主语+went with +人物.She went with Chen Jie.How did you go there 主语+went to +地点+交通方式.主语+went there +交通方式. Go/get to+地点、go/get+地点副词(there、here、home)She went to Beijing by plane. She went there by plane.(你什么时间When,和谁Who一起去了哪里Where。因为那个地方远/近,所以你们怎么去到的How,在那里你们干了什么What,你们的假期怎么样!how)陈述句变一般疑问句方法1.)先看句子里面有没有Be动词(am,is,are,was,were)或者情态动词(can ,could, will ,would, shall, should, may, must )例子:I am a postman.Yes, I am.Are you a postman No, I am not.He was very happy. No, he wasn’t.Was he very happy Yes, he was.He could play badminton before.Yes,he could.Could he play badminton before No, he couldn’t.2.)如果没有Be动词和情态动词,就借助动词(do, does, did)a.借助动词之前,先看时态(一般现在时,过去时)b.再看单复数例子:He often goes to school by bus. ( 一般现在时,所以借do或does; he 第三人称单数,所以借does)Does he often go to school by bus 助动词、情态动词后用动词原形,所以goes变goI read books last night. (知道是过去时间,所以借did)Did you read books last night 3.)一般疑问句,只有两种回答,yes, no ;且用什么问,就用什么来答。答之前先看主语it 还是there5.肯定句变否定句方法1.)先看句子里是否有be动词(am, is, are was ,were),如果有在后面加not例子:There was a computer here.There was not a computer here.2.)如果没有be动词,再看看是否有情态动词(can, could, will, would, shall, should, may, must)如果有在情态动词后加not例子:He could play sports.He could not play sports.3.)如果没有be动词,情态动词,就借助动词(do, does, did)A.借助动词前先看时态(现在时,过去时)B.再看主语(he,she, it)例子:I sang songs last weekend.( 从动词知道是过去时,所以借did)I didn’t sing songs last weekend.助动词,情态动词后用动词原形,所以sang 变sing感叹句What + a / an+形容词+可数名词单数/不可数名词+!What + 形容词+可数名词复数+!How +形容词+名词+主语+谓语!What an interesting film! = How interesting film it is! What beautiful flowers! = How beautiful flowers they are!过去时间yesterday、 last night 、last week、last weekend、等last 引导的过去时间、the day before yesterday 、two years ago、ten years ago等ago引导的时间、in 2020等in引导的时间动词过去式的变化规则规则 原形 过去式1.一般在动词后加ed wash、watch Washed、watched2.以不发音e结尾的动词,加d love、dance、move loved、danced、moved3.以y 结尾的动词,以元音+y结尾的,直接加ed play、stay Played、stayed4.以y结尾,且以辅音+y结尾的动词,去y为i,再加ed study、worry studied、worried5.重读闭音节辅元辅结构的动词,双写后辅再加ed stop、plan stopped、 planned不规则变化背书本p69won’t =will notcouldn’t=could notnot…till …直到…才…例子:The grapes won’t be ready till August.葡萄直到八月份才熟。(葡萄还没有熟,要到八月份)Unit4 Then and now重点句型There be 句型包括 There is/wasThere are/were表示某地有某物(地方有)There is/was + a/an + 可数名词单数/不可数名词.There are/were + 可数名词复数.例子:There was a tree in front of my house before.There are some apples on plate.2.There be 句型的否定句式There is/was/are/were +no +名词.There is/was/are/were + not + a/an/any(量词)+名词.例子:There were no computers before.There were not any computers before.注意:there is /was/ are/were not =there isn’t /wasn’t / aren’t / weren’t3.love=like 的用法+名词 She likes beef.love/like +动词+ing She likes swimming.+to +动词原形 He loves to ice-skate.Don’t worry!=Don’t be worried!either、also、too的区别共同点 不同点too 都用于肯定句 用于句末,且用逗号隔开also 用于句中either 用于否定句 用于句末( 过去的我was是矮的、胖的…所以我以前不能/会couldn’t做什么,然而but现在我长高了,所以我可以can做什么了(或者因为我现在喜欢做什么所以我变得强壮了),以前我不喜欢….因为…现在我喜欢…因为…)When I was 7 years old/ Seven years ago, I was short, so I couldn’t ride my bike well. But now I play sports everyday, so I’m tall and strong now. I go cycling well. Before I didn’t like winter, because I couldn’t ice-skate .And it was so cold. Now I like winter best, I love to ice-skate with Amy.四个时态的区分一般现在时于过去时可以一起记,一般现在时主要先看时间every day/week /weekend, on Mondays..频率副词always,usually, often, sometimes, never,再看主语(he she it )动词+s/es过去时看时间,过去时没有人称的变化(跟主语没关系)动词last week/weekend/month/year.. , two months ago, the day before yesterday ,this morning。。。 in 2015…第二步:从主语知道+s/es例子:Zhang Peng always goes to school on foot.第一步: 知道一般现在时Zhang Peng went to school on foot yesterday .知道过去时间,所以动词用过去式现在进行时和一般将来时都用be 动词1.)现在进行时表示 此时此刻正在做主语+be 动词+ingBe动词和ing缺一不可2.)表示现在正在的关键词: now,listen,look3.)一般将来时表示 计划做,准备做,动作还没有开始,所以动词不变主语+be going to / will +动词原形 (be 动词随主语变化)4.)将来时的关键词plan, tomorrow, this morning、afternoon/night/ tonight/…, next week/ month/ year…, the day after tomorrow,….5.)两个时态都是 先锁定时间,再看主语选定be动词例子:This night,my father is going to see a film with my mum.第二步:看主语,选be动词第一步:知道将来时间,所以将来时,be going to /willLook! My father is seeing a film with my mum.第二步:看主语选be动词第一步:知道现在进行时,所以 主语+be+动词+ingSometimes 有时候 (频率副词,用于一般现在时)Sometime 某个时候(用于过去时或将来时)1






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